March 28, 2012

I Love Lizards (now)

There are certain things in life that you start to appreciate only when you fully realize their meaning and importance. Last night, I went to sleep pretty on-time, say around 10:30 PM and was looking to wake up early and have a productive day. As I walked to the room that I now sleep in (yes, I have a different room now for everything, one for my stuff, one for showering and getting dressed, one for sleeping, one for reading, one for working etc....I pretty much decided to utilize every corner of the house for my existence :) and have been successfully doing so for a couple of months now)....anyhow back to my story.

So, as I walked to the room that I now sleep in, a lizard dashed right in front of me from under the bed across the floor to some other piece of furniture. If it were the old me, I would have probably jumped, yelled, screamed, ran out and refused to never ever sleep in that room again. Yes, that used to be my love towards lizards - the creature. But the new me just stood there, looked at it like "What? You too are sleeping in this room? Ok, not that I like you but fine." I have to make an honorary mention here that I am no longer scared of lizards. I finally learnt to overcome this fear that has been deep within me since I was a kid. I mean, they still look creepy but they don't scare me anymore. For that matter, I guess almost nothing at all scares me anymore... :-) it's like I have developed an anti-scare shield around myself that bounces any fear rays back to the person/thing that lasers the scare on me. Ok, I am not sure what I am writing now because I am a little bit sleepy.

But with my zombie talk above, you must have realized that I have now woken up in the middle of the night and blabbering about some lizard. It so happened that I said my good night to my new roomate, the lizard, read a couple of more chapters of Richard Branson's autobiography, inserted my 'Only One Chance' bookmark where I finished, and switched off the lights to a calm, peaceful sleep around 10:30 PM.

The weather is changing here in Punjab so I was sleeping with a fan+blanket combination (my absolute favorite time of the year) pretty soundly when suddenly I started to toss and turn frantically. I had woken up and was unable to go back to sleep. I got a little frustrated because I have been very particular about my sleeping schedule and this waking up in the middle of the night hadn't happened to me since the last several months. Why was this happening today? I started feeling itchy on my arms, then my hands and then kind of everywhere. After a few minutes of sleepy frustration of trying to figure out what's going on, the reason for my sleeplessness dawned on me. M-O-S-Q-U-I-T-O-E-S!

I was being bit by mosquitoes furiously everywhere on my body. I stayed in bed for sometime trying to ignore their existence and go back to sleep but all my efforts seem futile. And then, in super duper frustration, I just suddenly sat up, made a very helpless looking face and with my eyes still closed, said out loud, "Damn it! Where the hell is that lizard? Why is she not eating these machhars?"

I sat in dark silence in bed for a few minutes. With the realization that I had no option but to wake up and walk all the way to my sister's room and get some mosquito repellant, I finally turned on the lights and started to slowly open my eyes. As soon as I was wide awake, my roomate, the lizard, dashed across the wall from the window to behind the curtains. My response to that literally went something like this, "Dude, what have you been doing? I let you in my room so you'd eat some of these biting things. What's wrong with you? You got a bad stomach or what?"

Thinking of a bad stomach, I decided to check up on my dad while on my way to get the mosquito repellant. He has been really sick since the past few days and to not much surprise, he too was awake and wandering around. I asked him if I could get him anything but he said he was fine and proceeded back to bed to give sleep another try. I was amazed at how my parents were sleeping in a super warm blanket with no fan on. I guess I am the only one feeling the change in the weather.

Anyhow, I got my mosquito repellant and picked up my laptop on the way back. Perhaps, some work on the computer will help me get back to sleep. Now, a cup of tea, a dozen biscuits, completion of the website (yes, it is now complete, uploaded and live on the web) and this blog post later, I am still awake. It's 3:00 AM and my dogs are barking at God knows who, outside in the driveway.

Not sure, what the point of this blog post was. I guess it was just another effort to put myself to sleep. That's what I do when I can't sleep. I blabber on. Blabbering on about useless stuff that makes no sense puts me to sleep and when there is not a person I can blabber to, I pick up my computer and blabber on in the form of writing. So, thank you for listening (I mean reading) my blabber. I am now yawning and ready to go back to bed. Good night and sweet dreams. Oh, and if you too are being bothered by mosquitoes, you are welcome to come and borrow my lizard for the night. She has plenty of friends around here and they seem to be having a lizard party in my house.


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