March 10, 2012

The Crash

It has happened. Yes, the crash has come upon me. Just when I got done with testing my website and  uploading the first two pages on the web this past Monday, my computer crashed. I had left off my project on Friday evening with so much excitement and could not wait to get going on Monday morning. FYI, I don't work weekends. Actually, not only do I NOT WORK weekends, I don't even THINK WORK on weekends. It's my time off for the family - a rule I have followed since the day I started working years ago. So, anyhow, the excited Monday morning came, the test went successful, the first two pages uploaded (well, the second one almost uploaded minus some audio files) and then came the boom, the bang, the foos, the crash. What a disaster! :-(

Fortunately, not my entire computer but part of it crashed (some of the programs) and as a result, I lost a lot of what I had created for and So much for all the hard work I had put in. :-( But then again, what can one do? Shit happens all the time. I have been trying my best to put together pieces of what is left since the last few days but in vain. So, I think the judgement is now out. I am going to have to start all over again. Kinda sucks but oh well, it's not like there is a choice.

Lesson Learned: Never put off doing what is important first. Back up your shit as you go along. Trouble does not tell you before it comes knocking at your door.

Oh, well....I am tired of butting heads with this computer for the last few days, so I think I am going to go and take it easy for a while. Take a break, clean my room, pack, go shop and chill. In the meantime, feel free to browse the two pages that I had uploaded during testing on  After my relaxation mode is over, I will start over with a fresh mind and new ideas. If failures have taught me anything in life, it is to never let them wear you down, work harder and always come back with a bang. will be up in less than a week. I promise. :o)

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